Bristol Croquet Club: Club Roles
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Much of the work that keeps the club running well is done by members - we could not offer such excellent facilities and atmosphere in any other way. This section explains all of the major roles and the tasks associated with them as they are currently undertaken.
If you would like to help with any of these, or if you have any suggestions for developing them, please contact the current post-holder or a Committee member.
As volunteers, we work as valued members of a skilled and enthusiastic team and respect that everyone else is doing the same.
All the work undertaken is to ensure that croquet continues to be played in a safe, friendly and cooperative manner.
Note that most volunteers are not required to be Committee members, but if not on the Committee, they work closely with and report to the Committee, usually with a brief written annual report.
Please help to keep this page up to date: if you are here to find out who is responsible for something and fail, please say so that we may fill the gap; if you are an organiser and something you do isn't listed here, please say so that the next person to fill the role knows about it.
This page serves a number of purposes:
- to act as a checklist for the post holder
- to act as a hand-over document to any subsequent post holder
- to allow the committee to know which tasks are allocated, and where the gaps might be
Membership and Sustenance
The Committee
The essential responsibilities of The Committee are set out in our Constitution
Details of the current post holders may be found on the website.
Committee members will
- understand the role and objectives of the Committee and the limits of these, within the context of the Croquet England structure and objectives
- act in good faith for the general good of BCC and its members
- ensure they are informed about work being undertaken for the club by any of its members
- work as part of a team and accept collectively made decisions
- respect others' views and the confidentiality of any matters and information that may arise
- play an active role in furthering the work of the Committee and allow others to do the same
- understand and follow the brief they are given
- keep the Committee informed about their activities and any relevant issues
- secure Committee consensus on any changes to agreed actions or policy
- be alert to and report any actual or potential conflicts of interest
- consult and inform BCC members on a range of issues as agreed by the Committee
- follow Health & Safety principles and processes
- Communicating with members en masse will typically be done by email
- Blind copy (bcc) should be used when sending an email to all members
- This is to mitigate against infiltration by enemy agents and not to protect privacy amongst club members
- When sending emails to undisclosed recipients, it is helpful to include within the main body of the email which group of people this has been sent to e.g. all BCC members
- There will be occasions when recipients need to see who it has been sent to e.g. league team members, or competition entrants - but such emails should be kept to a minimum
- The Committee is supported in its work by numerous volunteers within the club
- They do not have to be Committee members but may be required to work closely with the Committee and report regularly
- Expenses incurred may be claimed subject to prior approval
This is a Committee position and the Secretary is a Club Officer.
The principal duty of the Club Secretary is to ensure that the Club is managed in accord with the provisions of its Constitution, its wider affiliations, its contractual obligations and the law.
To do this, the Secretary must:
- Ensure the AGM process is conducted according to Club Constitution
- ensuring Committee member candidates are validly nominated
- collating validly-proposed motions
- creating a Calling Notice and agenda
- collecting all necessary papers and distributing with due notice to the membership
- preparing voting papers if necessary
- assisting the Chair in the conduct of the meeting
- drafting timely minutes for approval by the Chair and subsequent AGM
- and publicising provisional minutes via the noticeboard
- Ensure any SGM is conducted according to Club Constitution
- similar to 1 above
- ensure proposed Rule changes are circulated to the membership with due notice
- preparing voting papers if necessary
- assisting the Chair in the conduct of the meeting
- drafting timely minutes for approval by the Chair and subsequent AGM
- and publicising provisional minutes via the noticeboard
- Ensure Committee meetings have the tools to be effective
- calling Committee meetings following Club Constitution
- creating an agenda (in agreement with the Chairman) for every Committee meeting that reflects all regular seasonal activities and current issues
- assisting the Chair in the conduct of the meeting
- drafting timely minutes for approval by the Chair
- distributing provisional minutes to the Committee
- publicising provisional minutes to members
- Ensure the Club is compliant with its legal, contractual and voluntary obligations
- ensure that the legal status of the Club is clear and that it complies with concomitant obligations
- the Club is an Associate of Croquet England and the SWF and the Secretary promotes effective communications with both. The Secretary, under the direction of the Committee, appoints the Club Trustees
- Other duties of the Club Secretary are
- To be the first point of contact for outside agencies
- BCC is a Affiliate club of Croquet England and the SWF, a tenant of Bristol City Council, and connected to many other organisations
- The Secretary must be a public front for all communications into and out of the Club, and be an effective conduit within the Club for those who may need/want to know
- In addition, members of the public with a potential interest in croquet, or the Club, must be able to make first contact via the Secretary
- To curate the significant records of the Club
- the Secretary is the Club librarian and archivist
- The Secretary is in charge of the Club's inventory of trophies, storing those not currently awarded and keeping records of who is holding what
- The Secretary ensures that trophies are returned and available for presentation as appropriate
- After Finals Day the Secretary posts a Roll of Honour of current winners and their prizes in the clubhouse and on the website
- The following subcontractors assist:
- Photo Archive - Pat Thomson
- Webmaster - Dave Kibble
- To assist the Club Competitions Manager
- At Finals Day prizegiving, the Secretary facilitates the award of trophies
- Create and manage the club's Programme of Events in liaison with the Committee
- Ensure that each club event (other than matches and tournaments, which are the Match Secretary's responsibility) has a named manager or organiser and that they are aware of their responsibilities for that particular event (as this varies with the event, there is no specific job description here)
- Liaise with the relevant coordinators to ensure they are aware of the programme and their responsibilities (i.e. catering, court preparation, hospitality, etc.), both at the season start and as the date approaches
- To maintain club noticeboards (physical and electronic)
Grounds Secretary
All contact with contractors for lawns maintenance, hedges and surrounds will be through the Grounds Secretary.
- Ensure the courts are fit for play and all the facilities are safe and welcoming for members, guests and visitors
- Ensure relevant Health & Safety procedures are in place
- Ensure annual Risk Assessment review takes place
- Impose and lift Winter Rules as necessary
- Lawn maintenance - contractor
- Repairing minor damage to playing areas - assisted by volunteers
- Clearing of weeds and autumn leaves - Mike Chan
- Manage and maintain a Lawn Advisory Group (LAG) to discuss the "what and how" of maintaining our excellent courts and developing them to be even better. This is not a committee, it's a relatively informal group to promote, help, and support the Grounds Secretary in our lawn development:
- Mike Salisbury, Dom Aarvold, Eric Soakell, Wayne Wiseman, Mike Chan, David Goacher, Dave Kibble
- Surrounds and hedges, ensuring access gate to telecoms box is not overgrown - contractor
- Gateway, fences, driveway and car park - assisted by volunteers
- Garage, white-lining shed, shelters and huts - assisted by volunteers
- Flower tubs - Jill Hathaway & Annie Frew
- Disposal of garden waste and other refuse
- Maintaining gardening tools and equipment
- Arranging workdays as needed - assisted by volunteers
Membership Secretary
- Maintain an accurate database of members ensuring this is consistent with the
Croquet England Directory
- Circulate essential contact details only to all members regularly
- Membership applications
- Maintain a membership application form that is accessed via the website
- Liaise with the Treasurer to process membership applications
- Liaise with the Committee if there are any queries about the validity of an application
- Liaise with the Handicapping Committees in the event of an application from an existing player with a handicap
- Liaise with the Data Controller over any privacy matters
- Create access to the Court Booking System (CBS)
- Add to CADB
- Send confirmatory letter
- Inform members
- Membership renewals
- Renewal invitation issued annually late November along with a letter from the Chair
- Reminder sent mid-December
- Final reminder sent February / March
- Send members a copy of all the information we hold about them (including privacy levels) for verification
- Liaise with the Treasurer to process these
- Liaise with the Data Controller over any privacy matters
- Note on CADB any changes to details
- Membership cancellations
- Suggest social membership as an alternative to playing membership
- Ask for the return of any keys and liaise with the Treasurer to reimburse their deposit
- Remove their details from the club databases and Croquet England Directory - they may be retained separately on the club database for up to 12 months
- Following that, maintain a record of leavers: name and length of membership only
- Update the Croquet England Directory as necessary
- Maintain a supply of clubhouse keys and liaise with the Treasurer on issuing and collecting these
- Keys may be issued to all members except those with Social Member status; the gate padlock code may be told to any member
- Ensure all new members receive the necessary information and are welcomed to the club
- There is a proforma letter of welcome for reference
- Work with the Committee on recruiting new members
- In the event of an Open Day or recruitment event being arranged
- Consider publicity: BS9 magazines, local noticeboards, etc.
- Ensure information about taster sessions and beginners' courses is available
- Track visitors, how they heard about us, etc.
- Maintain a list of people wishing to enrol on a taster session or beginners' course and liaise with Lead Coaches and Treasurer to arrange and monitor these
- Report to each Committee meeting and AGM
This is a Committee position and the Treasurer is a Club Officer.
- Issue monthly project status reports (i.e. project inventory) to the Committee
- Review the list of signatories and bank account primary users each year and update as necessary, ensuring that the Committee minutes register any changes
- Review expenses claimable for club matches, and recommended any changes
- Bank all receipts of cash and cheques and keep a record of these plus bank transfer receipts
- Pay all agreed invoices, contractual amounts, and expense claims and keep a detailed analysis of these together with bank direct debits and standing orders
- Make transfers between the Current Account and Savings Accounts as necessary to maximise interest received whilst maintaining a balance on the Current Account to cover immediate requirements
- Check Savings Account balances each month to record interest received
- Review with the Grounds Secretary the contract for Lawns Maintenance (currently three-yearly) and with for Hedges and Surrounds Maintenance (annual) to determine the monthly payment
- Issue invoices to Virgin Media for maintenance in May and rent in November and review the contractual amount every five years in November (contract signed December 2016)
- Produce Draft Receipts and Payments Budget and, after revisions by the Committee, prepare the Budget for each financial year
- For each Committee meeting, prepare Actual Receipts and Payments to date, update the Latest Estimate for the year and explain reasons for changes from the Budget or previous Latest Estimate for the year
- Work closely with the Membership Secretary to ensure that Membership subscriptions and Key Deposits receipts and payments records are identical, including maintaining the Key Deposits schedule
- Propose level of Membership subscription fees for each category of member in September for the coming year and, when agreed, prepare calculations for new members that join for part of the year
- Propose maintenance or changes to the level of Tournament and Event fees, Green and Clubhouse fees, and Drinks & Snacks prices
- Collect and record any monies received for green fees, markers, drinks and snacks
- Ensure that the correct Membership and Fees are shown on the website before the main playing season starts
- Liaise with Croquet England and the Match Secretary re tournament fees
- Liaise with Croquet England and the Membership Secretary re capitation fees
- Liaise with SWF and Match Secretary re match fees
- Take note of Electricity and Water meter readings near the end of the financial year to prepare accruals for the year-end accounts
- Prepare year-end Income & Expenditure Account and Balance Sheet, together with Notes to the Accounts, and pass to the Examiner of Accounts and the Committee
- Review all suggested amendments to the accounts with the Examiner and make agreed changes
- Preparing a list of all donations received for the year to the end of March for the Gift Aid claim to be prepared by the Fundraiser
- Prepare Treasurer's Report for the AGM
- Review the Rationale for Reserves document and revise as necessary
- Review and update the Major Projects Five-Year Plan
- Prepare the SWF Club Fees annual document and Croquet England Member Club Fee return
Examiner of Accounts
Independent examination is a 'light touch' scrutiny and is not an audit. The Examiner must not be involved in the day-to-day management of financial accounts or the presentation of monthly financial status reports to the Committee. There is no legal requirement for an unincorporated CASC to file end-of-year financial accounts.
- Ensure appropriate financial records have been maintained to a good standard. In particular, a log containing day-to-day entries to show all monies received and expended by the club enabling reconciliation with statements from all bank accounts.
- Check evidence of the main Balance Sheet items, including Bank
- High level integrity check of financial transactions.
- Advise Committee on accounting policies appropriate to the size and legal status of the club, for example the preparation of receipts & payments or accruals accounts at accounting year end.
- Check that all accruals and pre-payments applied to year end accounts are reasonable.
- Assist the Treasurer in preparing end of year accounts in a format which is informative, accurate and easily understood by members.
- Sign the year end accounts to confirm they are an accurate report of the financial position of the club. The Chair and Treasurer will also sign the accounts.
This is a Committee position and the Chair is a Club Officer.
- Chair Committee meetings, club General meetings and others as needed
- The spokesperson for the Committee to club members unless the specific responsibility of someone else e.g. Treasurer
- Represent the club to outside agencies as needed
- Work with the Committee to maintain harmony and a sense of direction
- Communicate with members to keep them informed and to be aware of their issues
- Report to the AGM with a summary of club activities over the year past and a look forward to the coming year
Deputy Chair
This is a role undertaken by a Committee member.
- To support the Chair with the above duties and undertake them when necessary
Match Secretary
- Club Tournament Secretary for Croquet England events as set out by Croquet England
- Ensure that details of the club's Croquet England tournaments are determined and recorded in the Croquet England Fixtures Calendar, including nominating a Tournament Manager for each event (usually in November)
- See the Croquet England TES Guide for full details
- Ensure that the Tournament Managers know their duties
- Manage entries into Croquet England listed tournaments and liaise with players entering to ensure they are aware of arrangements, express their lunch requirements, etc.
- Liaise with the Hospitality Coordinator to ensure that catering and hospitality requirements are understood (before the start of the season to facilitate planning and as each event approaches to ensure that numbers are known)
- The Club Secretary is responsible for ensuring that trophies are available for presentation
- Croquet England Inter-Club Match Secretary
- Determine which National Inter-Club events the club will enter, nominate a Team Manager for each and ensure that the entry is submitted to Croquet England (usually in February)
- Online entry via TES in liaison with the Treasurer
- Matches are arranged by the Team Managers
- SWF Inter-Club Match Secretary (Leagues)
- Determine the number of teams to be entered and into which Leagues or events by checking the membership and their handicaps and ensure that the entries are submitted to the SWF with the Team Manager identified (usually in November)
- Determine the schedule of matches (usually in December)
- To accommodate the club's best players, some of whom are of working age, Parkstone Trophy matches are scheduled at weekends and avoid championship-level fixtures elsewhere
- Other SWF matches are usually on weekdays as Inter-Club and Mary Rose matches often need weekends too
- Other key players might be contacted to take their availability into account when scheduling matches, for example, regular child-minding commitments, but too much of this makes scheduling Sisyphean
- Fixtures for each team should be spread out
- Home matches should avoid club sessions wherever practicable
- Short Croquet lawns are not available in the 4-day period leading up to a Bristol tournament because of hoop setting
- Ensure that Team Managers know their fixture dates and that they are responsible for booking the lawns they need for home matches (a practicality since they might need to revise court bookings as the season progresses)
- Ensure that referees and handicappers are appointed for the club's external events (including when the club is host but not organiser), as required by Croquet England or SWF Regulations
- Liaise with the relevant coordinators to ensure that the courts are prepared, hoops set, etc. for the club's external events
- Ensure that all club members have the opportunity to express an interest in playing for a team appropriate to their handicap in liaison with the Team Managers as described in the selection policy
- Manage the distribution of players across squads where multiple teams are entered
- Support the Team Managers with guidance on the League Rules for using players from other squads as needed
- Order engraved glasses for prizes from Fountain Trophies: one large and one small per Croquet England fixture [usually in April]
- Record all match results and report to the Committee
- Team Managers are responsible for putting the results up in the clubhouse
- Alert club members when there are significant matches taking place so they might take the opportunity to spectate
Club Competitions Manager
- Ensure that a programme of competitive play is established and run throughout the playing season (and during the winter if agreed). The programme should offer a range of competitions covering AC and GC at a range of handicap levels
- Appoint a Competition Chaser for each event as needed
- Liaise with individual Competition Chasers with operational issues
- Ensure that the club is entered into the Croquet England All England AC and GC competitions and manage the event at the club
A detailed task list for the Club Competitions Manager is maintained separately.
Competition Chasers
One Chaser is appointed by the Club Competitions Manager for each competition, normally being one of the players in that competition.
Working closely with the Competitions Manager to ensure the smooth running and completion of each competition their role is to:
- chase competitors to ensure games are completed by the agreed date
- ensure results are delivered on time
- make recommendations to the Competitions Manager where possible on issues such as late games and defaults
Handicapping Committees
See also the list of current handicappers.
- Ensure that new members' handicaps are assessed
- Ensure that club members' handicaps are monitored regularly in line with Croquet England recommendations
- Support and encourages members to complete their handicap cards accurately
- Make semi-annual reports to the Committee
- For further details see the Club Guide section on Handicapping
Team Managers
See the list of Team Managers.
The Club is keen to develop its players and for them to take part in team matches. It also wants to improve the results achieved by its teams in inter-club competitions.
The Match Secretary makes entries into the SWF Leagues and organises the programme of SWF League matches at the start of the season, setting the dates for all matches. The Team Manager may reschedule any match by agreement with the opposing team.
For Croquet England Inter-Club events, the Team Manager is wholly responsible for organising the matches.
Please keep the Match Secretary informed and lawn bookings updated.
- Book lawns for home fixtures: The Match Secretary advises SWF match dates well before the season and, as the Team Manager might need to reschedule, they should own the booking in the Court Booking System (CBS)
- matches always take priority so you may book a lawn for a match that another member has already booked - the CBS Administrator will deal with cancelling any bookings and notifying the players
- Be familiar with the relevant League/Competition/Tournament rules applicable to their team as set out by the South West Federation
- Get squad member availability for the match dates and select team members in accordance with the club's inclusive selection policy and any handicap restrictions for the league, organising revised dates and booking/releasing lawns as needed
- Be vigilant of which teams a player has already played for in a league to avoid illegal representation
- Normally, this is done by one Team Manager being overall responsible for a league and allocating players to separate squads within the league
- For handicap leagues, this could be determined by availability since a player's handicap does not matter when allocating them to the A or B team
- Nominate a captain for any match at which they are unable to be present and brief them on their responsibilities
- Coordinate arrangements with the team manager of the opposing team, including arrangements for refreshments
- For home fixtures:
- For away fixtures:
- Ensure that all team members know that they are to provide their own lunch (please refer to the Catering Policy)
- Ensure that results are reported as required by the SWF or Croquet England with a copy to the Match Secretary and relevant Handicap Committee Chair.
Note that results must be submitted electronically and not as an image of a hand-filled sheet.
- Level-play results are passed on by the SWF and Croquet England for adding to the international ranking system so full names should always be used. Note that some players have a specific ranking name to avoid confusion with other players in the world with the same name. Always use their ranking name when reporting results
- The Match Secretary will help report the results if there is a technical difficulty
- Write (or commission) a brief match report (minimum being the results) and post it on the clubhouse noticeboard – ideally along with a cheerful photo!
- Squad support and development:
- Team Managers should promote 'esprit de squad' and actively seek to improve playing standards by holding joint training, coaching and competitive play sessions for their squad in collaboration with the Coaching Coordinator
- Results and "lessons learned" from matches played recently could feature in these sessions
- Encourage discussion of tactical choices
Team Selection Policy and Procedure
The club aims to enter as many team into each league as it can reasonable sustain in order to give all members an opportunity to represent the club competitively. Team squads are also a platform for developing members' playing and team skills.
- Once the matches have been arranged, Team Managers should contact all members in the appropriate handicap range to request availability and establish a squad for each team, ensuring all eligibility criteria have been met.
- Squad size is typically a few more than a full team, but should include developing players who would benefit from squad training sessions
- When the club fields multiple teams in a league, squad allocation must be done collaboratively to ensure that players are distributed between teams and that league rules will be met in case substitution is needed
- In good time for each fixture, and giving preference to those players who are playing well and most likely to perform well on the day, announce team selections (including reserves) for each match as soon as possible to facilitate advance diary commitments. Note that a match against a weaker team is an opportunity to give experience to, and develop, an improving player
- Many club members appreciate seeing a team list on the club noticeboard in advance of the match
- Give feedback to the Match Secretary on how difficult it is to raise a team or how many players have not been played: this informs the following year's decision on how many teams to enter into each event
Coaching Coordinator
See the Club Guide
Coaching section.
- Prepare and coordinate a programme of coaching for beginners and a range of playing abilities within the club
Tournament Managers
- The Tournament Manager is responsible for managing all aspects of the tournament on the day. If hoops are to be set to any particular standard, or unusual court setting required, this should be communicated at least two weeks before the event to the Hoop Setting Coordinator
- Powers and duties are described in the Croquet England Tournament Regulations
- Usually, the manager is appointed before the fixture is advertised so has input to any special requirements:
- Entry numbers that can be accommodated
- Handicap restrictions
- Allocation process for places in First-Class Events (ranking or ballot)
- Use of seeding in the draw (only permitted if advertised in advance)
- For the avoidance of doubt, the club is responsible for managing entries, lawn preparation, hoop setting, appointing handicappers and referees, opening up the club to greet players, catering, and trophies.
- The manager of any event has a complimentary all-in catering deal that includes lunch when provided by the club
Club Event Managers
- Social events are held throughout the season and for each event, the Social Events Coordinator appoints a Club Event Manager who is responsible for organising and managing all aspects of the event, especially that participants enjoy themselves!
- If hoops are to be set to any particular standard, or unusual court setting required, this should be communicated at least four weeks before the event to the Hoop Setting Coordinator
- The Club Event Manager is responsible for overseeing:
- In conjunction with the Treasurer, determine a charge that will yield a modest net profit for the Club
- Catering, if any (optionally in liaison with the Hospitality Coordinator)
- Numbers that can be accommodated
- Advertising and member sign-up
- Set up, running, and take down
Clubhouse Maintenance Coordinator
All contact with clubhouse maintenance contractors normally will be through the Clubhouse Maintenance Coordinator.
- The contact for reporting any problems or breakdowns within the clubhouse, managing them through to resolution
- Arranging annual roof check - contractor
- Arranging annual fire equipment check - contractor
- Arranging annual electrical appliance check - contractor
- Maintaining all clubhouse facilities - contractors
- Managing the cleaner, including reviewing the contract and fee each March (in liaison with the Treasurer)
- Ensure relevant Health & Safety procedures are in place
- Ensure an annual clubhouse Risk Assessment review takes place
- Cleaning of clubhouse windows - Mike Chan
Hospitality Coordinator
Please refer also to the
Club Catering Policy
- For Croquet England listed tournaments and any other Committee-designated events:
- Liaise with the Match Secretary (or Club Event Manager if requested) for names of participants, numbers requesting lunch, dietary requirements, payments made, etc.
- We do not expect to cater for specialist diets – it is not compulsory to offer a vegetarian option and the decision to do so lies with the Catering Manager and those providing lunch
- People with other requirements will be asked to make their own arrangements, which will not include the use of our kitchen facilities
- Participants and spectators requiring lunch are expected to inform the Hospitality Coordinator at least three days before the event
- Liaise with the Treasurer about collection of monies
- Establish a team to ensure sufficient refreshments supplies including condiments for lunches
- Ensure volunteers are available to cover the necessary activities as set out in the Helpers Roster
- If the event takes place over two or more days, ensure the caterers liaise to avoid menu clashes!
- Provide helpers with a printed on-the-day Participants Checklist
- Maintain the checklists as necessary
Social Events Coordinator
- Encourage members to organise social events taking place at the club or elsewhere and provide them with any information they need
- That organiser is know as a Club Event Manager
- Events don't have to be related to croquet - examples include the fun day, American Supper, BBQ, Fun Day with Bangers & Mash, Quiz, Christmas lunch.
- Ensure all members have equal opportunity to participate, save for their availability
- Target having one social event per month
- Keep the Secretary informed about new events, cancelled events and any significant changes
- Buying tuck shop supplies: Annie Frew and Pat Whiffen
- Tea, coffee, milk, sugar, biscuit, crisps, canned drinks, cordials, choc ices
- Go for the special offers
- Paper goods: Vicky Stocks
- Paper serviettes
- Paper hand towels (Patersons)
- Kitchen towels
- Toilet Rolls
- Cleaning materials: Vicky Stocks
- Toilet cleaner Washing up liquid
- Liquid handwash
- All-purpose cloth
- Cream cleaner
- All-purpose cleaner
- Rubber gloves
- Rubbish bin liners (large) (60 Litre)
- Bin liners (for 3 smaller bins)
- Cling Film
- Kitchen foil
- Floor cleaning and bleach - supplied by the Cleaner
- Recycling: Isobel Sara
- Ensure recycling is carried out following Bristol City Council requirements
Playing Equipment Coordinator
Responsible for the storage, condition and availability of the club's playing and lawn-setting equipment:
- lawn furniture - hoops, corner flags and markers, etc.
- playing equipment - balls, AC bisques, GC extra stroke tokens, hoop clips (AC & GC), timers, etc.
- work equipment - hoop mallets, hoop extractors, hoop clamps, feeler gauges, layout ropes, spikes, etc.
- club mallets
Hoop Setting Coordinator
Working closely with the Grounds Secretary and Club Event Managers, responsible for:
- Setting the hoops in accordance with Croquet England specifications at the beginning of the season and at other times as necessary e.g.
- Tournaments and inter-club matches
- Winter and summer play
White Lining Coordinator
Working closely with the Grounds Secretary and Club Event Managers, responsible for
- Planning and monitoring the implementation of a white-lining rota
- Ordering white lining liquid once or twice a year, mixing up sufficient quantities with water so that whoever is doing the white lining has the mix prepared
- Updating the white lining notice that is in the white lining shed as necessary
- Maintaining the white lining machine (cleaning and greasing)
- Monitor availability of grants e.g. from Croquet England, SWF, Sport England, Bristol Council and, in liaison with the Treasurer, prepare grant applications when agreed by the Committee
- Research potential sources of funding in response to specific projects agreed by the Committee
- Ensure that authorisations from members are up to date to make Gift Aid claims in their name
- Prepare and pass annual Gift Aid claim to HMRC
- Liaise with the organisers of any club social events of which fundraising is an element
Child Safeguarding
See the Club Guide Safeguarding section.
Court Booking Administrator
Systems Manager
- Oversee and support the competition and results systems
Data Controller
- Ensure that the Club complies with all Data Protection regulations
- Liaise with the Membership Secretary to ensure that
- members are aware of their responsibilities concerning confidential personal information
- the necessary permissions have been given
- Designs and maintains the website and its contents
Other Club Activities
These activities are open to all club members (including social members), please contact the nominated organiser.
- Coffee morning in the Clubhouse on alternate Tuesdays during the winter, 10am to 12 noon. Feel free to bring along any crafting project you may have on the go, just turn up to have a friendly chat, or join in other activities such as Scrabble. Open to all members. Keep an eye on your email for dates as it's not "first and third Tuesday" or similar pattern. Ann, Jan and Margo
- Table tennis: Eric Soakell, Bob Scott