Bristol Croquet Club Refreshments Tally
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Handling cash is time-consuming and inefficient so members are asked to pay for their refreshments (tea, coffee, biscuits, cake, choc ices, soft drinks, etc.) in advance and draw from their balance over the season as described below, and with reference to the Catering Policy.
Your Refreshment Account
- Write your name on a page in the blue folder in the clubhouse and file it under the first letter of your surname
- Make a payment to BCC (see How to Pay below)
- Option 1: Pay as you go:
- Make a payment of £10 or £20 and add it to your account page
- Each time you make a purchase, record it on your page and maintain a running balance
- Do not allow the balance to go below zero - top up your prepayment in good time
- Option 2: Pay annually:
- Pay your estimate of your costs for the year and write on your account page Annual Payment £30 (or whatever)
- There's no need to keep a tally on your page, but make mental notes and top-up your prepayment if you think you might have underestimated it
How to Pay
Make a payment to the Club's bank account, marking it as Refreshments float, or One-off refreshments
We bank with HSBC as Bristol Croquet Club, Sort Code 40-17-32, Account 01067052.
Alternatively, if necessary, a cheque payable to Bristol Croquet Club of £10 or £20 passed to the Treasurer
Visitors should pay cash into the tin, but note the Catering Policy for visiting teams and officials.