CA Logo   point from scripts

before 112 after and a pound: £1

Hyphenated–phrase &invalid points   in  level Ʈ play &# games & is &invalid2coloured text

  1. loc follows space.
  2. loc follows space.
  3. up one follows space.
  4. up one follows space.

ca and ca

Heading With Bookmark

Heading Keeps Id Tag

invalid link URL

valid link URL.

valid link URL with space

valid link URL with escaped space Empty anchor

Details of the 2003 All England Handicap Championship Area Finals are now available


table 1: index points in level play games
special information
special information
isbn title price
3476896 < 3476896 3476896<3476896 $53
isbn title price
3476896 my first html $53

this is specially rendered

Notice of Meeting

With some details of what follows.

Council has proposed amendments to the Constitution to make it consistent with our membership of the World Croquet Federation and tidy up a few other matters.

2. Minutes of the previous meeting; held on Saturday 20th October 2012.

Show just this page (for printing)
personalia: name:
date of birth:



Headings allowed?


nested unclosed Headings allowed?


inside h

Discouraged Link in Heading

An click here with following space:

  1. strong without anchor follows space
  2. strong after anchor follows space
  3. Growth and Recruitment in the CA - strategy recommendations
  4. is relative link follows space (with sub-list):
    1. something
  5. strong no anchor follows space (with sub-list):
    1. something
  6. mailto
  7. invalid mailto
  8. close me
  9. service call
  10. no such service
  11. test script 1
  12. not a test script
  13. test script 2

Try Headings 1

with text after, which is indented by TinyMCE

This should generate a heading warning:

Line in between

This should not generate a heading warning

Try Headings 2

with text after, which is indented properly to start with

Try Headings 3

with non-breaking  text after  it this may have caused a problem

Try Headings 4thth

with text after
Try Headings 5
with text after
Try Headings 6
with text after Try Headings 7< /h7> with text and an address after