[370] For style consistency, tag 'img' styles are restricted 'margin-bottom: 2px' - please check: on line 2 [370] For style consistency, tag 'img' styles are restricted 'margin-right: 3px' - please check: on line 2 [388] For style consistency, tag 'span' class values are restricted: class 'HOEnZb' is unknown - please check: on line 6 [327] For style consistency, tag 'span' styles are restricted 'color: #888888' - changed to navy blue: on line 6 [454] onclick should only be 'popup(ev, atag, name, width, height)': on line 16 [304] For style consistency, headings should be Title Case: 'Heading With Bookmark' -> 'Heading with Bookmark': on line 18 [438] For consistent display, tag 'table' must have width specified if floated by 'floatL': on line 32 [359] For style consistency, tag 'colgroup' attributes are restricted: 'align=left' - please check: on line 50 [335] Unexpected attribute 'align' on tag 'colgroup' - please check: on line 50, 51 [359] For style consistency, tag 'colgroup' attributes are restricted: 'align=right' - please check: on line 51 [359] For style consistency, tag 'col' attributes are restricted: 'align=left' - please check: on line 76 [335] Unexpected attribute 'align' on tag 'col' - please check: on line 76 [359] For style consistency, tag 'col' attributes are restricted: 'align=right' - please check: on line 76 [387] Heading hierarchy broken: H4 follows H2: on line 109 [304] For style consistency, headings should be Title Case: '2. Minutes of the previous meeting; held on Saturday 20th October 2012.' -> '2. Minutes of the Previous Meeting; Held on Saturday 20th October 2012.': on line 109 [304] For style consistency, headings should be Title Case: 'Is nested Headings allowed?' -> 'Is Nested Headings Allowed?': on line 136 [304] For style consistency, headings should be Title Case: 'Is nested unclosed Headings allowed?' -> 'Is Nested Unclosed Headings Allowed?': on line 137 [304] For style consistency, headings should be Title Case: 'p inside h' -> 'P Inside H': on line 138 [303] Hyperlink inside heading tag 'h2' is discouraged - consider moving it to the text: on line 139 [407] Hyperlink text 'click here' should be descriptive of the link target and should make sense when read without the link: on line 141 [442] Explicit mailto - consider using a committee look-up to avoid going out of date: 'davekibble@iee.org' could be of the form '[[Coaching Chair]]': on line 156 [440] Explicit and invalid mailto: Need an @ but only 1 is allowed but consider using a committee look-up to avoid going out of date: 'davekibbleiee.org' could be of the form '[[Coaching Chair]]': on line 157 [419] JavaScript on hyperlink: on line 158 [447] Unidentified service 'NoSuchService': on line 160 [328] Unexpected/invalid tag 'h7' removed: on line 190 [314] Explicit inserted mailto - consider using a committee look-up to avoid going out of date: 'email@iee.org' could be of the form '[[Coaching Chair]]': on line 190 [437] Line (paragraph) styled all bold/italics - maybe should be a level 6 heading or styled class 'highlight'