1. Bold text Unbold 01 text strike this out with ellipsis …
  2. Bold text Unbold 02 text and another …
  3. Bold text Unbold 03 text and another …
  4. Bold text Unbold 04 text
  5. Bold text Unbold 05 text
  6. Bold text Unbold 06 text
  7. Bold text Unbold 07 text
  8. Bold text Unbold 08 text
  9. Bold text Unbold 09 text
  10. Bold text Unbold 10 text
  11. Bold text Unbold 11 text
  12. Bold text Unbold 12 text
  13. Bold text Unbold 13 text
  14. Bold text Unbold 14 text
  15. Bold text Unbold 15 text
  16. Bold text Unbold 16 text
  17. Bold text Unbold 17 text
  18. Bold text Unbold 18 text
  19. Bold text Unbold 19 text
  20. Bold text Unbold 20 text
  21. Bold text Unbold 21 text
  22. Bold text Unbold 22 text
  23. Bold text Unbold 23 text
  24. Bold text Unbold 24 text

1should be /?p=ca/cpp

1should   be /?p=ca/cpp 

2should be /?p=ca/cpp

3 should be /?p=ca/cpp 3a fred@no.domain expected to have translated joe@other.domain but not joe@shortdomain or joe@ or @domain.com what happens here>what happens here>

4should be /?p=ca/cpp

Follow on

This text should
be a bit formatted.

and so should
this really

5should be /?p=ca/cpp

6should be /?p=ca/cpp

7should be /?p=ca/cpp 7ashould be /?p=ca/cpp 7bshould be /?p=ca/cpp 7cshould be /?p=ca/cpp this text should be reproduced faithfully including the new line.  And this has multiple and nested bolding within the string of this text.

8should be /?p=ca/cpp

9should be /?p=ca/cpp

this is centred
10should be /?p=ca/cpp#name

11should be /?p=ca/cpp

Price (incl. VAT): £48.00
Delivery: £3.00
Delivery price applies to Mainland UK only, excluding the Scottish Highlands. For delivery to other areas, please see Delivery Details. Delivery to our standard areas is free when you spend £100.00 or more. new shop plus not new shop plus

Ordering Information.

12should be /?p=ca/cppno space

13should be /?p=ca/cpp two space

14should be /?p=ca/cpp 14ashould be / 14bshould be / 14cshould be / 14dshould be / 14eshould be / 14fshould be / 14gshould be / 14hshould be / 14ishould be / 14jshould be / 14kshould be / 14lshould be /

15off site

16relative : /?p=my/page/ref/cpp

17relative /?p=my/page/ref/cpp#name

18relative: #name

19should be /?p=ca/meetings

Multi para should be elided to one

para and break should be elided to para

double break should be elided to para

20should be /?p=ca/meetings

21should be /?p=/ca/cpp

22should be /?p=/ca/cpp

23should be /?p=/ca/meetings

24should be /?p=/ca/cpp

25should be /?p=/ca/meetings

26should be /?p=my/page/ca/cpp

Para after header should not be elided

27should be /?p=my/page/ca/meetings

28should be /?p=/ca/meetings

29should be /?p=ca/meetings

30should be /?p=ca/meetings

31should be /?p=ca/meetings

32should be /?p=ca/meetings (translated from cas - style 1) should be /?p=ca/meetings (translated from cas - style 2) should be /?p=ca/meetings (translated from cas - style 1 + params) should be /?p=ca/meetings (translated from cas - style 2 + params)

32ashould be /?p=cas/meetingsa

32bshould not be /?p=ca/meetings/lowerLevel - not explicit

33should be http://www.offsite.org.uk/cas/meetings.asp

  • this is a list item

  • this is another list item

    with a paragraph break

  • this is yet another list item

34should be https://www.offsite.org.uk/cas/meetings.asp

35should be /?d=123 but raises warning

36should warn and preserve

37Link should be removed

37a Link should be removed

37b Link should be removed

37cLink should be removed but name remain

37dLink should be removed but name remain (includes syntax error)

37eLink should be removed but name remain (includes syntax error)

37fLink should be removed

this should remainand this should remain too and this is a line after the (removed) script

this is a line of text unchanged]]> dspread

dspreadsome text at the end

    here    is    some     text     that should 
	not be messed     with  or without
following text

  • this is the first item
  • this is the second item
    1. this is the first sub-item:

      with some stuff

    2. this is the second sub-item
  • this is the third item


    1. Between strokes, any misplaced balls must be placed in a lawful position, at the striker's choice if more than one is available. Subject to Law 23(b), if the adversary observes that the striker is about to play a stroke when any ball is misplaced, he must forestall play. [see ORLC rulings]
    2. If a stroke is played with a ball misplaced, the first of the relevant Laws 27(d) to 27(i) applies.
    3. A misplaced ball remains so until it is placed in a lawful position or moved by a stroke.
  2. MINOR MISPLACEMENT TEST For the purposes of these Laws, nothing.
  3. MINOR MISPLACEMENT For the purposes of these Laws:
    1. a ball is deemed to be in contact with another ball when a stroke is played even if it is physically not in contact at that time if, in preparation for the stroke, the striker attempted finally to place, adjust or leave the balls in contact; and
    2. a ball is deemed not to be in contact with another ball when a stroke is played even if it is physically in contact at that time if, in preparation for the stroke, the striker attempted finally to place, adjust or leave the balls out of contact.
    1. Subject to Law 27(c)(2), the striker purports to take croquet if:
      1. he plays a stroke after finally placing or adjusting one or more balls so that the striker's ball is in contact with a ball from which it may not lawfully take croquet; or
      2. being required to take croquet, he plays a stroke after leaving the striker's ball in contact with a ball from which it may not lawfully take croquet.
    2. Temporarily removing and replacing a ball under Law 3(c)(2) or replacing a ball after interference under Laws 33 or 34 does not of itself constitute placing or adjusting it.
    3. Purporting to take croquet from a live ball has the same consequences as taking croquet from that ball, except that Law 27(e) applies.
    If the striker purports to take croquet from a dead ball and the error is discovered before the first stroke of the adversary's next turn, the error is rectified and the turn ends.
  • li outside of list
  • Check nested hyperlinks should be /?p=ca/cpp should be /?p=ca/cpp#name

    Check simple reference to the shop includes a trailing slash shop, and similar path does not.

    Underlining is bad practice - check CA Shop

    CA Shop are warned about, and...

    CA Shop converted.

    check 1

    check 2

    check 3

    check 4

    check 5

    check 6

    check 7

    Reg can be contacted on 07780 661 468, or email reg.bamford@sable-group.com

    Test links to special places
    Test 1
    Test 2
    Test 3
    Test 4
    Test 5
    Test 6
    Test 7
    Test 8
    Test 9
    Test 10
    Test 11
    Test 12
    test 13
    test 14
    test 15
    test 16
    test 17


    Test wildcard replacement (including delete)
    Link should be removed
    Link should be removed
    Link should be removed
    Link should not be removed
    Link should not be removed
    Link should not be removed
    Link should not be removed
    Link should not be removed
    Link should not be removed
    Link should not be removed
    Link should be removed
    Link should be removed

    Test non-wildcard substitution

    Repeat above using leading solidus without p param

    Test wildcard replacement (including delete)
    Link should be removed
    Link should be removed
    Link should be removed
    Link should not be removed
    Link should not be removed
    Link should not be removed
    Link should not be removed
    Link should not be removed
    Link should not be removed
    Link should not be removed
    Link should be removed
    Link should be removed

    Test non-wildcard substitution