[350] For style consistency, tag 'ol' should only use CSS list-style if you really need it: on line 2, 215, 216, 224, 230, 232 [388] For style consistency, tag 'div' class values are restricted: class 'myLeft' is unknown - please check: on line 36 [442] Explicit mailto - consider using a committee look-up to avoid going out of date: 'fred@no.domain' could be of the form '[[Coaching Chair]]': on line 40 [314] Explicit inserted mailto - consider using a committee look-up to avoid going out of date: 'joe@other.domain' could be of the form '[[Coaching Chair]]': on line 40 [454] onclick should only be 'popup(ev, atag, name, width, height)': on line 79, 81 [304] For style consistency, headings should be Title Case: 'Para after header should not be elided' -> 'Para after Header Should Not be Elided': on line 124 [408] Document reference includes invalid path: should be like '/?d=123' not '/my/page/ref': on line 156 [408] Document reference includes invalid path: should be like '/?d=123' not '/tournaments/path': on line 158 [409] Potentially unsafe ID (bookmark) 'here'' try 'here': on line 168 [418] Reference to /photolib/imager loads the server - please use resized image file: on line 177, 179 [322] Image source may be wrong path: '/photolib/imager.dll?autorotate=false&Image=/infra/dspread.jpg&width=200': on line 177, 179 [387] Heading hierarchy broken: H3 follows H1: on line 214 [304] For style consistency, headings should be Title Case: '27. PLAYING WHEN A BALL IS MISPLACED' -> '27. Playing when a Ball is Misplaced': on line 214 [417] Underlined text is easily confused with hyper-links - try bold/emphasis: on line 253, 255 [442] Explicit mailto - consider using a committee look-up to avoid going out of date: 'reg.bamford@sable-group.com' could be of the form '[[Coaching Chair]]': on line 273 [431] Image source file does not exist: '/infra/ImageFileDoesNotExist.jpg': on line 279 [431] Image source file does not exist: '/notInfra/ImageFileDoesNotExist.jpg': on line 283 [431] Image source file does not exist: '/news/docs/ImageFileDoesNotExist.jpg': on line 287 [442] Explicit mailto - consider using a committee look-up to avoid going out of date: 'fred1@no.domain' could be of the form '[[Coaching Chair]]': on line 294 [442] Explicit mailto - consider using a committee look-up to avoid going out of date: 'fred2@no.domain' could be of the form '[[Coaching Chair]]': on line 295 [442] Explicit mailto - consider using a committee look-up to avoid going out of date: 'fred3@no.domain' could be of the form '[[Coaching Chair]]': on line 296 [440] Explicit and invalid mailto: Too short (minimum 6 characters) but consider using a committee look-up to avoid going out of date: 'fred4' could be of the form '[[Coaching Chair]]': on line 297 [440] Explicit and invalid mailto: Too short (minimum 6 characters) but consider using a committee look-up to avoid going out of date: 'fred5' could be of the form '[[Coaching Chair]]': on line 298 [706] Multiple use of ID (bookmark) 'name': on line 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27 [744] p and d parameters both specified p='tournaments/path' d='123': on line 158 [706] Multiple use of ID (bookmark) 'here': on line 170 [706] Multiple use of ID (bookmark) 'Law27a1': on line 219, 220 [706] Multiple use of ID (bookmark) 'Law27b': on line 224