There are three key linked
Payment (and refund) records:
-- who made [received, if a refund] the
-- who received [made, if a refund] the
payment (CA Office or Club)
-- when
-- amount - always positive; refunds
are distinguished by how they are linked to an Event Player Entry
-- how paid (one of Online, Cheque,
Cash, BACS, Complematary, Promise, Credit Card, N/A (zero amount), Not Known)
-- SagePay Authorisation Code and
Transaction ID
-- Actual person who made the entry
(who keyed the payment, or same as above for online entry
-- free text comment - typically used
to record an admin charge to adjust a refund
Note: one for each physical payment and
for each refund
Player in Tournament records:
-- player identifier (person who is in
the tournament)
-- lunch & reserve list preferences
-- Reserve List Position
-- Comment - leave request, etc.
Note: player is in a tournament by
virtue of being in one or more events. There should be no Player in Tournament
record if there are no related Event Player Entry records.
Event Player Entry records:
-- link to "Player in
Tournament" record
-- link to "CA Calendar
Event" record
-- link to "CA Calendar Event
Option" record (if any)
-- link to "Payment" record
-- link to "refund Payment"
record (not NULL means withdrawn)
-- Fee Type (Open, Club Member,
Student, etc. - as defined for the event in the CA Calendar)
-- Partner's name (for doubles event)
Note: There is one Player in Tournament
record for all Event Player Entry records belonging to the same tournament
Admin is the CA Office (and
other website administrator, such as webmasters)
The Owner of a tournament entry
is the player named in the associated Payment record, which may be different
from the player entered (which could be the owner's spouse).
"Tournament Admin" is any of the tournament officials identified in the Fixtures Calendar for the tournament: Tournament Director, Tournament Manager, Club Tournament Secretary, Secretary for the individual Tournament, and the Club Secretary. They may do things like:
View levy report transactions for appropriate tournaments
Update the reserve list positions
View and update (if paid to club) all details of payments made for relevant tournaments, incl. lunch request, etc.
Enter a full tournament after its allocation date
Enter a relevant tournament on behalf of someone else
View list of payment for relevant events
Full admin rights over an item is
granted to Admin unconditionally (with privileges enabled) and to TS if paid to club
Online entry as a logged-in Member, or
as Admin entering on behalf of a Member, follow exactly the same path up to the
last step, at which point all details of the payment and related entries are
stored in the database and marked "Not Paid", then the user is
redirected automatically to:
- if TS for own tournaments:
-- payment is marked as "Paid to
-- asked to mark the payment as
"paid by cheque", "paid by credit card", etc.
- if Admin - goes to a page to mark the
Payment record as "paid by cheque", "paid by credit card",
etc. - Payment record is marked as "paid to CA"
- if a logged-in Member who is not
Admin - goes to SagePay (online credit card payment system). Upon successful
return, the Payment record is marked as "paid online" - Payment
record is marked as "paid to CA"
Failure to complete payment in SagePay
or to update the Payment record to "paid by xxx" leaves it as
"Not Paid".
"Paid to CA" entries are
locked to be administered by Admin, not the TS, except for details such as
wanting lunch or who partner is.
"Paid to Club" entries may be
modified by the relevant TS (or Admin, thought it would be rare to need to).
"Not Paid" entries can be
selected by Admin or TS and edited as above to set the payment type.
"Not Paid" entries can be
selected by the owner (who is not Admin) and selected to pay through SagePay,
exactly as if they had just gone through the online entry process.
Anything can be deleted at any time by
admin or by the relevant TS. Note that delete means "removes it from the
system as if it had never existed". Any associated refund tracking would have
to be done outside the system. However, there is some protection on items paid
to and from the CA, they must be unconfirmed payments.
Note that a Payment record might be for
several events over several tournaments, and so deleting individual entries might
eventually leave a "Not Paid" Payment record with no associated Event
Player Entry records, or a Player in Tournament record with no associated Event
Player Entry records. These are cleaned up manually by a system admin process
available via the menu. The system tries to prevent deleting entires that would
leave such an unclean state, advising what to delete instead. For example a
Player in Tournament record with two Event Player Entry records will allow
deleting one of the Event Player Entry records; however when attemting to
delete the second Event Player Entry record, the user is advised to delete the
Player in Tournament record instead. This could be frustrating - an attempt to
delete an Event Player Entry record advises to delete the Player in Tournament
record but the Player in Tournament record advises to delete the Payment
- a "Not Paid" entry
(including all related tournaments) can be deleted by admin, or by the relevant
TS, or by the owner at any time, even after the event has happened. A player
who turned up with out paying should be marked as "Paid" and
"paid by" set to "Promise".
- once a Payment record is confirmed:
-- it is not possible to delete it or
any of the events associated with it (they can only be refunded (= withdrawn)
-- an Event Player Entry record can be
refunded = "withdraw Entry", which raises a Payment record against it
(exactly as payment above, but in the opposite sense), marked as "Not
Paid", which means that the CA/club has not paid the refund. When the refund
payment is made to the withdrawing player, the refund Payment record is marked
as "Paid".
-- admin/TS must separately mark the
refund payment as cash, cheque, etc., just as they do for incoming payments
(note, this is where SagePay refund integration would come in) - in this dialog
they can set a deduction amount to be subtracted from the refund and add a
reason for the deduction (usually an administration charge). A default value of
£5 is set if it is "paid to CA"?.
-- "withdraw Entry" for an
event where the player already has a refund Payment record marked as "Not
Paid" simply links to the same Payment record and bumps up the amount
-- "withdraw Entry" can also
be applied to a tournament (which affects all Event Player Entry records in
that tournament), or to a Payment record, which affects all tournaments in that
Payment record
- remove any mention of delete and
replace it with the above "withdraw Entry" idea, but if the entry
Payment record is "Not Paid" then the item is deleted, rather than
linked to a refund Payment record.
-- withdrawn entries are not listed
with the tournament but can be shown in the payments list and as a separate
listing to support repayments being managed
-- withdrawn entries flagged on the
payments list
- The office can download the set of
transactions between two dates (latest possible = yesterday), with
parametrisation to include/exclude refunded/not-refunded payments, payment
destination (club/CA), payment type, etc. for integration with the office
database and accounting systems, supported by the data above, details yet to be
When selecting which events to enter, the following defise the available options:
can enter online if:
Event is "Enter On Line", not Draft, and not Cancelled
Tournament currency is UKP
Start date is in current year (or later) or not specified
Either User is Tournament System Admin, Event Sec., or Club Tournament Sec. (with no Event Sec. defined)
-- If user is not tournament member:
---- Open (Public) event
-- AND:
---- Not making entry for another person (other than spouse)
---- AND, for Non-Selection Events:
-------- Closing date after today, or no closing date specified
------ OR, For Selection Events:
-------- Allocation (selection announcement) date after today-7 (could be announced early)
-- AND Starts after today or start date not specified
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