[304] For style consistency, headings should be Title Case: 'TABLE OF CONTENTS' -> 'Table of Contents': on line 11 [304] For style consistency, headings should be Title Case: 'PREFACE' -> 'Preface': on line 114 [304] For style consistency, headings should be Title Case: 'PART 1: INTRODUCTION' -> 'Part 1: Introduction': on line 136 [304] For style consistency, headings should be Title Case: 'A. AN OUTLINE OF THE GAME' -> 'A. An Outline of the Game': on line 137 [304] For style consistency, headings should be Title Case: '1. AN OUTLINE OF THE GAME' -> '1. An Outline of the Game': on line 140, 1709 [350] For style consistency, tag 'ol' should only use CSS list-style if you really need it: on line 141, 156, 176, 177, 186, 200, 201, 208, 215, 223, 229, 256, 260, 273, 276, 288, 293, 296, 312, 314, 317, 328, 330, 338, 352, 367, 380, 387, 389, 405, 412, 413, 419, 433, 434, 440, 442, 454, 462, 469, 479, 480, 488, 495, 499, 505, 528, 529, 535, 551, 553, 566, 567, 573, 585, 586, 599, 601, 614, 617, 627, 630, 636, 649, 650, 659, 666, 677, 679, 686, 702, 704, 716, 717, 730, 731, 745, 746, 754, 760, 762, 783, 784, 791, 797, 811, 820, 828, 830, 847, 855, 856, 867, 868, 875, 888, 895, 896, 898, 910, 921, 922, 936, 940, 957, 958, 964, 972, 987, 989, 995, 1003, 1024, 1025, 1040, 1043, 1066, 1079, 1082, 1096, 1106, 1108, 1123, 1130, 1131, 1137, 1145, 1153, 1167, 1176, 1177, 1186, 1198, 1208, 1210, 1217, 1223, 1239, 1242, 1253, 1256, 1279, 1281, 1289, 1650, 1667, 1683, 1684, 1781, 1789 [304] For style consistency, headings should be Title Case: 'B. THE COURT AND EQUIPMENT' -> 'B. The Court and Equipment': on line 172 [304] For style consistency, headings should be Title Case: '2. THE COURT' -> '2. The Court': on line 175 [304] For style consistency, headings should be Title Case: '3. EQUIPMENT AND ACCESSORIES' -> '3. Equipment and Accessories': on line 199 [304] For style consistency, headings should be Title Case: 'C. DEFINITIONS' -> 'C. Definitions': on line 252 [304] For style consistency, headings should be Title Case: '4. START AND END OF A GAME AND TURN' -> '4. Start and End of a Game and Turn': on line 255 [304] For style consistency, headings should be Title Case: '5. A STROKE AND THE STRIKING PERIOD' -> '5. A Stroke and the Striking Period': on line 287 [304] For style consistency, headings should be Title Case: '6. STATES OF A BALL' -> '6. States of a Ball': on line 311 [304] For style consistency, headings should be Title Case: '7. OUTSIDE AGENCIES' -> '7. Outside Agencies': on line 366 [304] For style consistency, headings should be Title Case: 'PART 2: ORDINARY SINGLES PLAY' -> 'Part 2: Ordinary Singles Play': on line 375 [304] For style consistency, headings should be Title Case: 'A. GENERAL LAWS OF PLAY' -> 'A. General Laws of Play': on line 376 [304] For style consistency, headings should be Title Case: '8. THE START OF A GAME' -> '8. The Start of a Game': on line 379 [304] For style consistency, headings should be Title Case: '9. ELECTION OF STRIKER'S BALL' -> '9. Election of Striker's Ball': on line 386 [304] For style consistency, headings should be Title Case: '10. BALL OFF THE COURT' -> '10. Ball Off the Court': on line 399 [304] For style consistency, headings should be Title Case: '11. BALL IN THE YARD-LINE AREA' -> '11. Ball in the Yard-Line Area': on line 404 [304] For style consistency, headings should be Title Case: '12. PLACEMENT OF A BALL OFF THE COURT OR IN THE YARD-LINE AREA' -> '12. Placement of a Ball Off the Court or in the Yard-Line Area': on line 411 [304] For style consistency, headings should be Title Case: '13. WIRING LIFT' -> '13. Wiring Lift': on line 432 [304] For style consistency, headings should be Title Case: '14. HOOP POINT' -> '14. Hoop Point': on line 478 [304] For style consistency, headings should be Title Case: '15. PEG POINT' -> '15. Peg Point': on line 527 [304] For style consistency, headings should be Title Case: '16. ROQUET' -> '16. Roquet': on line 550 [304] For style consistency, headings should be Title Case: '17. HOOP AND ROQUET SITUATIONS' -> '17. Hoop and Roquet Situations': on line 565 [304] For style consistency, headings should be Title Case: '18. CONSEQUENCES OF A ROQUET' -> '18. Consequences of a Roquet': on line 584 [304] For style consistency, headings should be Title Case: '19. PLACING BALLS FOR A CROQUET STROKE' -> '19. Placing Balls for a Croquet Stroke': on line 598 [304] For style consistency, headings should be Title Case: '20. CROQUET STROKE' -> '20. Croquet Stroke': on line 613 [304] For style consistency, headings should be Title Case: '21. CONTINUATION STROKE' -> '21. Continuation Stroke': on line 626 [304] For style consistency, headings should be Title Case: 'B. ERRORS IN PLAY' -> 'B. Errors in Play': on line 645 [304] For style consistency, headings should be Title Case: '22. GENERAL PRINCIPLES' -> '22. General Principles': on line 648 [304] For style consistency, headings should be Title Case: '23. FORESTALLING PLAY' -> '23. Forestalling Play': on line 676 [304] For style consistency, headings should be Title Case: '24. COMPOUND ERRORS' -> '24. Compound Errors': on line 701 [304] For style consistency, headings should be Title Case: '25. PLAYING WHEN NOT ENTITLED' -> '25. Playing when Not Entitled': on line 715 [304] For style consistency, headings should be Title Case: '26. PLAYING A WRONG BALL' -> '26. Playing a Wrong Ball': on line 729 [304] For style consistency, headings should be Title Case: '27. PLAYING WHEN A BALL IS MISPLACED' -> '27. Playing when a Ball is Misplaced': on line 744 [304] For style consistency, headings should be Title Case: '28. FAULTS' -> '28. Faults': on line 782 [304] For style consistency, headings should be Title Case: 'C. INTERFERENCE WITH PLAY' -> 'C. Interference with Play': on line 843 [304] For style consistency, headings should be Title Case: '29. GENERAL PRINCIPLES' -> '29. General Principles': on line 846 [304] For style consistency, headings should be Title Case: '30. BALLS WRONGLY REMOVED OR NOT REMOVED FROM GAME' -> '30. Balls Wrongly Removed or Not Removed From Game': on line 854 [304] For style consistency, headings should be Title Case: '31. MISPLACED CLIPS AND MISLEADING INFORMATION' -> '31. Misplaced Clips and Misleading Information': on line 866 [304] For style consistency, headings should be Title Case: '32. PLAYING WHEN FORESTALLED' -> '32. Playing when Forestalled': on line 887 [304] For style consistency, headings should be Title Case: '33. INTERFERENCE WITH A BALL' -> '33. Interference with a Ball': on line 894 [304] For style consistency, headings should be Title Case: '34. INTERFERENCE WITH THE PLAYING OF A STROKE' -> '34. Interference with the Playing of a Stroke': on line 920 [304] For style consistency, headings should be Title Case: '35. MISCELLANEOUS INTERFERENCE' -> '35. Miscellaneous Interference': on line 935 [304] For style consistency, headings should be Title Case: 'OTHER FORMS OF PLAY' -> 'Other Forms of Play': on line 952 [304] For style consistency, headings should be Title Case: 'A. ADVANCED SINGLES PLAY' -> 'A. Advanced Singles Play': on line 953 [304] For style consistency, headings should be Title Case: '36. OPTIONAL LIFT OR CONTACT' -> '36. Optional Lift or Contact': on line 956 [304] For style consistency, headings should be Title Case: 'B. HANDICAP SINGLES PLAY' -> 'B. Handicap Singles Play': on line 983 [304] For style consistency, headings should be Title Case: '37. BISQUES' -> '37. Bisques': on line 986 [304] For style consistency, headings should be Title Case: '38. PEGGING OUT IN HANDICAP GAMES' -> '38. Pegging Out in Handicap Games': on line 1018 [304] For style consistency, headings should be Title Case: '39. RESTORATION OF BISQUES' -> '39. Restoration of Bisques': on line 1023 [304] For style consistency, headings should be Title Case: 'C. DOUBLES PLAY' -> 'C. Doubles Play': on line 1036 [304] For style consistency, headings should be Title Case: '40. GENERAL' -> '40. General': on line 1039 [304] For style consistency, headings should be Title Case: '41. ORDINARY DOUBLES PLAY' -> '41. Ordinary Doubles Play': on line 1054 [304] For style consistency, headings should be Title Case: '42. ADVANCED DOUBLES PLAY' -> '42. Advanced Doubles Play': on line 1059 [304] For style consistency, headings should be Title Case: '43. HANDICAP DOUBLES PLAY' -> '43. Handicap Doubles Play': on line 1064 [304] For style consistency, headings should be Title Case: 'D. SHORTENED GAMES' -> 'D. Shortened Games': on line 1074 [304] For style consistency, headings should be Title Case: '44. SHORTENED GAMES' -> '44. Shortened Games': on line 1077 [304] For style consistency, headings should be Title Case: '45. ADVANCED PLAY IN SHORTENED GAMES' -> '45. Advanced Play in Shortened Games': on line 1095 [304] For style consistency, headings should be Title Case: '46. HANDICAP PLAY IN SHORTENED GAMES' -> '46. Handicap Play in Shortened Games': on line 1105 [304] For style consistency, headings should be Title Case: 'CONDUCT OF THE GAME' -> 'Conduct of the Game': on line 1118 [304] For style consistency, headings should be Title Case: 'A. GENERAL LAWS OF CONDUCT' -> 'A. General Laws of Conduct': on line 1119 [304] For style consistency, headings should be Title Case: '47. THE STATE OF THE GAME' -> '47. The State of the Game': on line 1122 [304] For style consistency, headings should be Title Case: '48. REFEREES OF THE GAME' -> '48. Referees of the Game': on line 1129 [304] For style consistency, headings should be Title Case: '49. EXPEDITION IN PLAY' -> '49. Expedition in Play': on line 1166 [304] For style consistency, headings should be Title Case: '50. ADVICE AND AIDS' -> '50. Advice and Aids': on line 1175 [304] For style consistency, headings should be Title Case: '51. MISCELLANEOUS LAWS OF CONDUCT' -> '51. Miscellaneous Laws of Conduct': on line 1197 [304] For style consistency, headings should be Title Case: 'B. SPECIAL LAWS' -> 'B. Special Laws': on line 1204, 1234, 1275 [304] For style consistency, headings should be Title Case: '52. DOUBLE-BANKED GAMES' -> '52. Double-Banked Games': on line 1207 [304] For style consistency, headings should be Title Case: '53. TOURNAMENT AND MATCH PLAY' -> '53. Tournament and Match Play': on line 1237 [304] For style consistency, headings should be Title Case: '54. LOCAL LAWS' -> '54. Local Laws': on line 1270 [304] For style consistency, headings should be Title Case: '55. OVERRIDING LAW' -> '55. Overriding Law': on line 1278 [304] For style consistency, headings should be Title Case: 'APPENDICES' -> 'Appendices': on line 1306 [304] For style consistency, headings should be Title Case: 'APPENDIX 1: TOLERANCES AND METRIC EQUIVALENTS OF STANDARD DIMENSIONS' -> 'Appendix 1: Tolerances and Metric Equivalents of Standard Dimensions': on line 1309 [304] For style consistency, headings should be Title Case: 'APPENDIX 2: BALL PERFORMANCE SPECIFICATIONS' -> 'Appendix 2: Ball Performance Specifications': on line 1649 [409] Potentially unsafe ID (bookmark) 'A2-1' try 'A2_1': on line 1651 [409] Potentially unsafe ID (bookmark) 'A2-2' try 'A2_2': on line 1652 [304] For style consistency, headings should be Title Case: 'APPENDIX 3: FULL BISQUE HANDICAP PLAY' -> 'Appendix 3: Full Bisque Handicap Play': on line 1656 [409] Potentially unsafe ID (bookmark) 'A3-1' try 'A3_1': on line 1660 [304] For style consistency, headings should be Title Case: '1. THE BASE HANDICAP' -> '1. The Base Handicap': on line 1660 [409] Potentially unsafe ID (bookmark) 'A3-2' try 'A3_2': on line 1663 [304] For style consistency, headings should be Title Case: '2. SINGLES PLAY' -> '2. Singles Play': on line 1663 [409] Potentially unsafe ID (bookmark) 'A3-3' try 'A3_3': on line 1666 [304] For style consistency, headings should be Title Case: '3. DOUBLES PLAY' -> '3. Doubles Play': on line 1666 [409] Potentially unsafe ID (bookmark) 'A3-3a' try 'A3_3a': on line 1668 [409] Potentially unsafe ID (bookmark) 'A3-3b' try 'A3_3b': on line 1669 [304] For style consistency, headings should be Title Case: 'APPENDIX 4: ALTERNATE STROKE HANDICAP DOUBLES PLAY' -> 'Appendix 4: Alternate Stroke Handicap Doubles Play': on line 1673 [409] Potentially unsafe ID (bookmark) 'A4-1' try 'A4_1': on line 1676 [304] For style consistency, headings should be Title Case: '1. NON-APPLICATION OF VARIOUS LAWS' -> '1. Non-Application of Various Laws': on line 1676 [409] Potentially unsafe ID (bookmark) 'A4-2' try 'A4_2': on line 1679 [304] For style consistency, headings should be Title Case: '2. ALTERNATE STROKE PLAY' -> '2. Alternate Stroke Play': on line 1679 [409] Potentially unsafe ID (bookmark) 'A4-3' try 'A4_3': on line 1682 [304] For style consistency, headings should be Title Case: '3. ERRORS' -> '3. Errors': on line 1682 [409] Potentially unsafe ID (bookmark) 'A4-3a' try 'A4_3a': on line 1684 [409] Potentially unsafe ID (bookmark) 'A4-3a1' try 'A4_3a1': on line 1686 [409] Potentially unsafe ID (bookmark) 'A4-3a2' try 'A4_3a2': on line 1687 [409] Potentially unsafe ID (bookmark) 'A4-3a3' try 'A4_3a3': on line 1688 [409] Potentially unsafe ID (bookmark) 'A4-3b' try 'A4_3b': on line 1691 [409] Potentially unsafe ID (bookmark) 'A4-4' try 'A4_4': on line 1693 [304] For style consistency, headings should be Title Case: '4. INTERFERENCES' -> '4. Interferences': on line 1693 [304] For style consistency, headings should be Title Case: 'APPENDIX 5: ADVANCED HANDICAP PLAY' -> 'Appendix 5: Advanced Handicap Play': on line 1697 [409] Potentially unsafe ID (bookmark) 'A5-1' try 'A5_1': on line 1700 [304] For style consistency, headings should be Title Case: '1. BISQUES IN RELATION TO LIFT OR CONTACT' -> '1. Bisques in Relation to Lift or Contact': on line 1700 [409] Potentially unsafe ID (bookmark) 'A5-2' try 'A5_2': on line 1703 [304] For style consistency, headings should be Title Case: '2. PEGGING OUT IN ADVANCED HANDICAP GAMES' -> '2. Pegging Out in Advanced Handicap Games': on line 1703 [304] For style consistency, headings should be Title Case: 'APPENDIX 6: ONE-BALL PLAY' -> 'Appendix 6: One-Ball Play': on line 1706 [409] Potentially unsafe ID (bookmark) 'A6-1' try 'A6_1': on line 1709 [409] Potentially unsafe ID (bookmark) 'A6-2' try 'A6_2': on line 1712 [304] For style consistency, headings should be Title Case: '2. THE START OF A GAME' -> '2. The Start of a Game': on line 1712 [409] Potentially unsafe ID (bookmark) 'A6-3' try 'A6_3': on line 1715 [304] For style consistency, headings should be Title Case: '3. ADVANCED PLAY' -> '3. Advanced Play': on line 1715 [409] Potentially unsafe ID (bookmark) 'A6-4' try 'A6_4': on line 1718 [304] For style consistency, headings should be Title Case: '4. HANDICAP PLAY' -> '4. Handicap Play': on line 1718 [304] For style consistency, headings should be Title Case: 'APPENDIX 7: SHORT CROQUET' -> 'Appendix 7: Short Croquet': on line 1768 [409] Potentially unsafe ID (bookmark) 'A7-1' try 'A7_1': on line 1771 [304] For style consistency, headings should be Title Case: '1. THE COURT' -> '1. The Court': on line 1771 [409] Potentially unsafe ID (bookmark) 'A7-2' try 'A7_2': on line 1774 [304] For style consistency, headings should be Title Case: '2. THE COURSE' -> '2. The Course': on line 1774 [409] Potentially unsafe ID (bookmark) 'A7-3' try 'A7_3': on line 1777 [304] For style consistency, headings should be Title Case: '3. THE HANDICAPPING SYSTEM' -> '3. The Handicapping System': on line 1777 [409] Potentially unsafe ID (bookmark) 'A7-4' try 'A7_4': on line 1780 [304] For style consistency, headings should be Title Case: '4. MANDATORY PEELS' -> '4. Mandatory Peels': on line 1780 [409] Potentially unsafe ID (bookmark) 'A7-4a' try 'A7_4a': on line 1782 [409] Potentially unsafe ID (bookmark) 'A7-4b' try 'A7_4b': on line 1783 [409] Potentially unsafe ID (bookmark) 'A7-5' try 'A7_5': on line 1785 [304] For style consistency, headings should be Title Case: '5. PEELING AN ADVERSARY'S BALL' -> '5. Peeling an Adversary's Ball': on line 1785 [409] Potentially unsafe ID (bookmark) 'A7-6' try 'A7_6': on line 1788 [304] For style consistency, headings should be Title Case: '6. PEGGING OUT' -> '6. Pegging Out': on line 1788 [409] Potentially unsafe ID (bookmark) 'A7-6a' try 'A7_6a': on line 1790 [409] Potentially unsafe ID (bookmark) 'A7-6b' try 'A7_6b': on line 1791 [409] Potentially unsafe ID (bookmark) 'A7-6c' try 'A7_6c': on line 1792 [409] Potentially unsafe ID (bookmark) 'A7-7' try 'A7_7': on line 1794 [304] For style consistency, headings should be Title Case: '7. WIRING LIFT' -> '7. Wiring Lift': on line 1794 [304] For style consistency, headings should be Title Case: 'SCHEDULE 1: SCHEDULE OF BISQUES' -> 'Schedule 1: Schedule of Bisques': on line 1797 [410] For style consistency, tag 'table' attribute 'cellpadding=10' but is usually 3 - please check: on line 1799 [410] For style consistency, tag 'table' attribute 'cellspacing=10' but is usually 0 - please check: on line 1799 [410] For style consistency, tag 'table' attribute 'cellpadding=2' but is usually 3 - please check: on line 1802, 2340 [304] For style consistency, headings should be Title Case: 'INDEX' -> 'Index': on line 2882 [706] Multiple use of ID (bookmark) 'Law53a2': on line 1245