[388] For style consistency, tag 'div' class values are restricted: class 'check' is unknown - please check: on line 4 [304] For style consistency, headings should be Title Case: 'Clarke won 78-0 in under 2.5 hours' -> 'Clarke Won 78-0 in under 2.5 Hours': on line 27 [304] For style consistency, headings should be Title Case: 'Game 3 started with Dave laying a supershot' -> 'Game 3 Started with Dave Laying a Supershot': on line 37 [304] For style consistency, headings should be Title Case: 'Game 4 was the game of the tournament so far' -> 'Game 4 was the Game of the Tournament so Far': on line 46 [304] For style consistency, headings should be Title Case: 'Game 1; Maugham win the toss and chooses to go first; Clarke chooses RY' -> 'Game 1; Maugham Win the Toss and Chooses to Go First; Clarke Chooses RY': on line 133 [304] For style consistency, headings should be Title Case: 'Game 2; Clarke chooses to go first; Maugham RY' -> 'Game 2; Clarke Chooses to Go First; Maugham RY': on line 190 [304] For style consistency, headings should be Title Case: 'Game 3; Dave chooses to go first; Chris RY' -> 'Game 3; Dave Chooses to Go First; Chris RY': on line 219 [437] Line (paragraph) styled all bold/italics - maybe should be a level 5 heading or styled class 'highlight'